Flying Pigs Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit microsanctuary located at Lemon Lane Farm dedicated to assisting all animals in need with a focus on pigs injured by “flying” out of trucks. (Yes, it happens!) The sanctuary started because we have 3 pigs that jumped out of a truck (flew). Apparently, this is quite common.
We provide care for animals healing from abuse, neglect, and injuries. At Flying Pigs Sanctuary, we believe that every creature deserves a happily ever after. And that’s just what we give them!
Flying Pigs Sanctuary
This is George visiting with
sanctuary guests. George was
our first flyer!
Lifelong animal lover Amy Thran followed her heart when she adopted Herbert, a pig in her neighborhood who needed a new home. Herbert inspired her to start Flying Pigs Sanctuary in Tennessee to benefit both animals and people.
The Sanctuary is located on a small 116 acre farm on beautiful rolling hills in the middle of Tennessee.
At Flying Pigs we offer all animals, regardless of species or breed, a safe loving forever home with the absolute best care available. They can heal and thrive with tons of love and the freedom to live their best lives.
Your support makes a meaningful difference every day!
We are committed to providing the very best when it comes to supporting our residents:
Excellent quality feed and weight management.
Comfortable, warm in winter, cool in summer housing.
Professional veterinary care with consistent health monitoring.
Annual vaccines and parasite management.
Spaying and neutering all animal residents.
Ample space to roam and be the animals that they are, regardless of species.